David Clarke
1967 geboren in Nottingham, GB. 1989–1992 Camberwell College of Art, 3D-Design: Silberschmieden und Metallarbeiten, BA, London, GB. 1995–1997 Royal College of Art, Klasse für Schmuck und Gerät, MA, London, GB. Lebt und arbeitet in London, GB.

Lehrtätigkeit / Projekte
„Family Matter“, neunmonatiges Gemeinschaftsprojekt mit Dallas Museum of Art. Seit 2010 Zusammenarbeit mit der Buchkünstlerin Tracey Rowledge. 2016-2017 Learning Hub Artscore Development Artists SHELVED, Turnbridge Wells Museum and Art Gallery, GB. Installation ROOM at Collect Open, Saatchi Gallery London, GB. 9 Jahre Assistenzprofessor an der Konstfack, Stockholm, SE. Vorträge und Workshops an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste, München. Royal College of Art, London, GB. Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Firenze IT. RMIT University, Melbourne, AU. Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry, Tokyo, JP. NTCRI National Taiwan Craft Research an Development Institute, TW. Nanjing-Universität, Nanjing, CN.
1998 Talente-Preis, München. 2002 The Woo Charitable Foundation Bursary, GB. 2007 The Sotheby Award at Collect, Winner, London, GB. 2010 The Jerwood Contemporary Makers Prize, Winner, London, GB.
Arbeiten in öffentlichen Sammlungen
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, GB. New College, Oxford, GB. Swaledale Lead Museum, Reeth, GB. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, GB. Dallas Museum of Art, Texas, US. Plymouth Museum and Art Gallery, GB. Hiko Mizuno Collection, Tokyo, JP. National Museums Northern Ireland, GB. National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, NO. Röhsska museet – Museum of Design and Craft, Göteborg, SE. Crafts Council, GB. The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, GB. Shipley Art Gallery, Gateshead, GB.