Anders Ljungberg
1966 geboren in Stockkolm, SE. 1988-89 Studium an der Nyckelviksskolan, Lidingö, SE. 1989-1994 Studium an der Konstfack, University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Metal Department, MFA, Stockholm, SE. Lebt und arbeitet in Gustavsberg, SE.

2000-2018 Gastprofessur am Beckmans College of Design, Stockholm, SE. 2006 Gastprofessur an der Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, US. 2000-2010 Professor an der Konstfack, University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Corpus, Stockholm, SE. 2014-2015 Professor an der Oslo National Academy of the Arts, NO. Since 2016 Professor an der Konstfack, University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm, SE.

1999-2000 Konstnärsnämnden – the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, SE. 2000 Bengt Juhlins Konsthantverksstipendium, SE. 2003 Landstingets Kulturstipendium, SE. 2003 Marianne and Sigvard Bernadottes kulturstipendium, SE.
Arbeiten in öffentlichen Sammlungen
Kunstindustrimuseet, The Museum of Decorative Arts and Design, Oslo, NO. Röhsska Museet – Museum of Design and Craft, Gothenburg, SE. Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, SE. Nordiska Museet, Stockholm, SE. HKH Konung Carl XVI Gustav (Royal Collection Stockholm), SE. Engelbrekt Church, Stockholm, SE.