15 10 – 05 11 2023
Juliane Schölß  Eva Jünger
Vessels  Photography

Opening on Sunday 15th October 2023, 12 pm.

Speakers: Dr. Leonie Becks, Head of the Cologne Cathedral Treasury and Julie Metzdorf, Art Journalist, Munich.

The artists are present.

Open Sat/ Sun 11 am – 3 pm
and by appointment.

With their work, Juliane Schölß and Eva Jünger straddle the exciting worlds of commissioned pieces and free designs.

Schölß practices the centuries-old silversmith’s craft on the basis of a stylistic vocabulary that is extremely personal and very contemporary. Her work in the context of religion (such as most recently a reliquary for Cologne Cathedral) represents a contemporary take on Christian art. Her independent pieces explore the boundaries between functionality and aesthetics. Her secular items, made of gossamer-thin sheet silver, look almost white and are reminiscent of paper models. Her minimalist formal language has a light, focused look to it.

Eva Jünger has been working as a freelance photographer for 30 years now. One of her focuses is on object photography. Her images of Juliane Schölß’ pieces connected with religion are purist and yet more than mere reproductions. Every shot is the kind of interpretation that presupposes a close study of the item in question. She captures the radiant intensity of the relevant pieces and clearly brings out their intrinsic qualities. In her freelance work, Jünger explores how she can break with photographic conventions and allow for experimentation.