14 04 – 05 05 2024
Vera Siemund

Opening on Sunday 14th April 2024, 11 am to 3 pm.

Speaker: Julie Metzdorf.
The artist is present.

“My works are always transformations of found objects: photos, architectural fragments, decorative objects, historical jewelry. I am interested in the history of recurring forms and styles in art and where the boundary runs between ‘high and low’, between the sublime and the banal. I move through the history of art and design in leaps and bounds with recurring preferences. I try to re-stage images that already have a firm place in our cultural memory.

I saw all my pieces by hand. They are something like prototypes, but they are never reproduced. When I make them, the idea becomes tangible and develops further. I only  really understand complex shapes and ornaments when I ’build’ them.”